Blog: South Asia

I chose to compare Brazil and Mexico.


Males per 100 Females: 97.1

People per square kilometer: 25.2

Number of children per woman: 1.7

Current Population: 210.3 Million

Estimated Population 2050: 232.3 Million


Males per 100 Females: 96.1

People per square kilometer: 65.5

Number of children per woman: 2.2

Current Population: 127.3 Million

Estimated Population 2050: 150.6 Million

Brazil's population pyramid is stage 4, and is more heavy on the male side than the female side, with no major differences between the sexes otherwise, with a majority of the population being aged 30-39. In contrast, Mexico's pyramid is a stage 3 with a much larger number of males in younger demographics, but transitioning to majority female in older demographics. This indicates that in the past, young men in Mexico have died more often than women, and though that is also true for Brazil, it is not nearly as marked in the graph. Brazil will experience a lower birth rate in the next 30 years, as they have reached a trough in the population pyramid, while Mexico is in the middle of a spike in the birth rate meaning that their population will increase at a faster rate for longer.

I chose to compare Iraq and Iran.


Males per 100 Females: 101.4

People per square kilometer: 87.0

Number of children per woman: 3.5

Current Population: 38.0 Million

Estimated Population 2050: 63.0 Million


Males per 100 Females: 102.8

People per square kilometer: 54.8

Number of children per woman: 1.9

Current Population: 84.0 Million

Estimated Population 2050: 98.6 Million

Iraq's population pyramid looks like an actual pyramid ranging from most percentage of the population is 0-4 years old and least percent is 85 years old and up. This type of pyramid shows that the birth rate is higher than the death rate and indicates population growth. While Iran's population pyramid is smaller at the younger and older ages and bigger at the middle ages. This type of pyramid indicates that there are fewer females at the childbearing age having children and is slowing the population growth.

Although Iran will continue to have a higher population than Iraq in 2050, the graphs show that over time Iraq could pass Iran in population by having a faster rate of population growth.

Taylor Lewis

2.) China and Ethiopia

3.)  China:

Males per 100 Females — 105.6

People per square kilometer — 149.0

Number of children per woman — 1.6

Current Population — 1.4B

Estimated Population 2050 — 1.3B


Males per 100 Females — 99.5

People per square kilometer — 96.1

Number of children per woman - 4.2

Current Population — 105.4M

Estimated Population 2050 — 196.2M

4/5.)  For China, the current population is 1.4 billion but for 2050, it decreases to 1.3 billion people. For Ethiopia the current population is 105.4 million, for the 2050 population is 196.2 million. It increases instead of decreasing the China does. The pyramid for Ethiopia has a wider base than China does. China does not get wide until between 30-34 and 50-54.

Kiara Kearns

February 9, 2020

Population Geography in South Asia and Beyond

The two countries that I chose were the United States and Canada. I checked the blog and made sure that my classmates have not chosen these countries. I observed and compared these countries’ population pyramids and related information.

97.3 Males per 100 Females

36.3 People per square miles  

Number of children per woman 1.9

Current Population 331.9 million  

Estimated Population 2050 About 400 million


Canada has  

98.4 Males per 100 Females

4 People per square kilometer

1.6 Number of children per woman

Current Population 36.1 million  

Estimated Population 2050 41.1 million  

More women are living to be 100+ in Canada while many more millions are being born in the United States. The United States has a larger, thicker pyramid due to the higher population. The biggest difference I noticed was that the US has many more children and teenagers.  

Both in Canada and in the United States, the population is predicted to continue growing and be higher in 2050. Although, the United states is growing faster and at a higher rate. This is reflected in the population pyramids because the US’s pyramid is bigger and thicker than Canada’s and will continue to grow, similarly to Canada’s, but at a higher rate.