Author Archives: mcyerkes2


Males per 100 Females: 98.5

People per square kilometer: 61.1
Number of children per woman: 2.1
Current Population: 16.9 Million
Estimated Population 2050: 21.1 Million


Males per 100 Females: 97.1
People per square kilometer: 18.3
Number of children per woman: 1.7
Current Population: 5.6 Million
Estimated Population 2050: 5.5 Million

Between Finland and Ecuador, it looks like Ecuador has a higher birth rate because the population is the greatest in the younger demographics, as compared to Finland, where the population is greatest in the older demographics, suggesting that Finland has a fairly low birth rate. This also suggests that Ecuador has a lower life expectancy than Finland. In 2050, the estimated population of Ecuador will increase by over 4 million people than what it is today. This is likely due to Ecuador's high birth rate. In 2050, the estimated population of Finland will decrease slightly from what it is today, likely due to the low birth rate, and the longer life expectancy.

"Brazil takes a page from China, taps facial recognition to solve crime"

The article I read talks about the ongoing crime in the shanty towns of Rio, Brazil and the possible use of facial recognition to crack down on crime. Crime, especially murder is a major problem throughout all of Brazil, but they are especially prevalent in the slums, known as favelas, as discussed in the previous map assignment. The article gave some statistics, and some of them were shocking. In 2019, the city of Rio averaged 20 shootouts per day. There are several geographical aspects in this ongoing situation in Rio. It may sound weird, but tourism is an important part of the favelas. With the increasing rate of violence in the slums, it's not necessarily safe in the favelas for tourism, and violence involving tourists could hurt the tourist industry and the Brazil economy in general. That's why new technology can be integral for the city of Rio, and the country of Brazil as a whole.


This blog is about an article put out by BBC News involving financial ties with Venezuela and Russia.

"Russia to boost Venezuela ties amid US pressure"

Throughout this short article, it talks about the increased financial ties between Russia and Venezuela. The increased relationship between these two countries can be seen as controversial because this agreement was done by Venezuelan President Maduro, not interim president Juan Guaido, who has full U.S. support, which is contrary to Maduro. This article has a human geography aspect because this move could increase conflict between Russia and the U.S. At this point, there's no idea how any of these 3 countries involved will react.

Hi, I'm Malcolm Yerkes, and I'm a freshman at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I am currently an undeclared student, and this class will get me closer to the degree that I choose. Back in my senior year of high school, I had to take two semesters of Geography online for credit.

As I posted before on the map, I'm from Nikiski, AK, I currently live in Fairbanks, AK, and I would really like to visit Finland someday.